Should 14 Year Old’s be Able to Drive Golf Carts?

Written by: Leah Hawkins

Early last month Florida passed a controversial law stating that 14-year-olds will not be allowed to drive or operate golf carts. This change has received a lot of mixed reviews as some people believe 14 is old enough while others think that 14-year-olds are not responsible enough to operate an expensive vehicle such as a golf cart.

For many years, the legal age to drive and operate a golf cart was 14, but after multiple crashes from the young drivers some people have begun to believe 14 is too young. Eighth grader Natalia Lotinsky believes the law to be unfair and has produced a simple solution. “I think it depends how responsible the driver is … the driver should be able to pass a test and get permission from parents.” However, the middle school science teacher and parent Mrs. Arnold has a differing opinion. “I have 3 teenagers and I would definitely say one is more mature than the others… if so many golf carts are crashing are you really ready for that responsibility?”

While many do not agree, there is some truth to the argument that 14 is not old enough to drive a golf cart. As over 6,500 children suffer injuries from golf carts and in St. Johns, a 15-year-old nearly lost her life while driving a golf cart.

This new law requires golf cart drivers to have a learner’s permit first, which means you must be 15 or older to acquire and must have proper identification.

As this is a fairly new law there is not enough

data to see how the new law has affected golf cart driving. Which leaves the choice up to you, do you think 14-year-olds should drive golf carts?