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New Family Information

Welcome to Pine Island Academy! This page is dedicated to assisting our new families in becoming acquainted with our school website and where to find helpful information. We are…

Developing Strengths and Pursuing Dreams!
One Pod, Making Waves, FINS UP!

24-25 Student Parent Handbook 07.28.2024
Middle School Required Paperwork Packet
Elementary Required Paperwork Packet

Arrival and Dismissal Procedure:

Transportation Changes– [email protected]  Please use the “Transportation Change” button on our homepage or the above email address should you need to change the way your student needs to go home. See further explanation in the Parents Handbook.

Absentee Form: Please complete the form when your students is absent. This button linking you to this form can be found on the homepage of our website

School Access: ALL visitors MUST be approved through School Access to enter the building during school This include eating lunch with your students once we are able to invite parents for lunch. Please click on the link to complete the process.

Newsletter Signup Link: Riedl sends a weekly communication. I would encourage you to sign up to receive this communication as she includes important information that you don’t want to miss.

Bell Schedule for Middle School:

Middle School PE Uniforms: Please contact Coach K [email protected] for information on purchasing PE Uniforms.

Student Supply List: Please send your student with minimal supplies for the first few days as our supply list have been adjusted since the beginning of the Teachers will inform you of exactly what needs to be brought by students. Note this is the supply list from the beginning of the school year.

Technology Support:

  •  Home Access Center (HAC): Allows students and parents to view their child’s educational information via a secure, password protected website, Android app, or iPhone app. This resource is a great resource to keep up with grades for your
  • Student and Parent Login for HAC and Schoology: Video begins close to 10:10- Active Directory Information will begin on the first day of school in 1st Schoology is our digital learning platform. Teacher update their weekly agendas in this platform.
  • Office 365: The Advantage program allows our district to provide Office 365 ProPlus FREE to active teachers and This program gives our students and teachers access to the latest full version of Microsoft Office at home at no additional cost.

Parent Teacher Organization: If you would like to gather information on joining the PTO, please visit their site:  or email [email protected].

If you would like to be included in information sent by the PTO, please complete the Contact Release Form Pine Island Academy PTO Contact Information Release 2024-2025 (

If you have questions, please give us a call at 904-547-4300